2 min readDec 10, 2021

Why we all get restless..?

Unfortunately, We think imperfection is a weird thing...
That’s what why we get restless & find some artificial things & expensive treatment to cover our inadequacy & try to put on faux mask of perfectionist... because of this truth We have thousand insecurities about friendship, relationship & society. Additionally, we are afraid of laugh taunt, criticism, insult and so on, that’s why we do not want to tell our flaws zo our special one & try to show off our fake character to every other one but sadly, we need to realise that people can’t cowl their originality for long. However our true face is disclose to our acquaintance. Hence, they may simply get into paroxysm & trauma, then they will show their temper tantrum on you & hate you & think that how mean & cheap you are. After that they’ll leave you one by one & you will loose everything else. Every thing will seems horrific & darkest like a hell.
All the complicated scenarios will give you stressed & you’ll struggle with dilemma, frustration & chaotic life badly, you could forget the true meaning of peacefulness...
But before getting too late.. Now throw it out your fake mask & accept the reality & be happy the way you are.Why everyone is imagining perfection is important page of life chapter....No you are merely wrong. Imperfection is the actual splendour of the soul. According to me, imperfection is the real beauty which makes you uniquer than others. Considerably ingenuity that distinguishes you from the same kind...Moreover, If you feel you’re worthy & precious then all humans falls in love with your individuality but regrettably in case you do not love yourself. So, how could you expect people love you back. So,love yourself first___the world will follow you
Today I’m living peaceful life simply due to the fact I love my imperfection & I do not need to cover it anymore because humans love real personality. Who are original no longer fake and i know I’m not perfect but I’m original....
So,If you want to contentment of mind & soul then you have to embrace your originality

Sana fatima🖤




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